Monday, June 30, 2014

adios from méxico

I'm here to say my final goodbye from Mexico. The sun has set on day 21, our last day as Youth Ambassadors to Hermosillo from Phoenix! these past three weeks have been unbelievably, incredibly awesome, and I am so beyond lucky to have had this experience. 

Before I jump into my last post/update of this afternoon, I want to say thank you. First, to everyone reading this...there's no way I would have updated it if it were only for myself (lazyyyy), and I hope you enjoyed it and were able to get a feel for the experience I was having, from sitting on the couch complaining about how bored I was, to raving about the food, people, and fun activities in which we participated. Sorry for typos and confusing posts...I never proofread, so it may have been dyscombobulated at times! Next, I would like to thank Phoenix Sister Cities for giving me this opportunity to immerse myself in a fabulous culture in a welcoming sister city that is not only close literally, but that has a strong bond with phoenix respect the usa as much as we respect our neighbor to the south. Thanks, Laurel and Haley, for being the most funny and all-around best friends I could have met this summer (LOVE YOU GUYS). Lastly, thank you to the Silvas, my outstanding, caring, and hilarious host family who accomodated me and made these three weeks the best and best and best ever. Zyanya, I don't know if you're reading this, but I could not have wished for a better counterpart, and I can't wait for our program in phoenix to start next week! 

Here it goes: This afternoon, when Zyanya woke up (well she was never really sleeping), Luisa opened a bag of chips and put them on the table. I have always criticized smokers and such for voluntarily doing something that hurts them, but now I sort of understand. The chips they buy are SUPER PICOSO (super spicy) like reaalllyy spicy my head is on fire hot. But somehow they taste good, and I continue to eat them, slowly of course, and then go running across the kitchen to the water jug to chug some water, which never helps, but distracts me. I really just need to not eat those so I don't have to suffer ugh. Anyway, then we went into the family room and turned on a movie called Wake Up, which was the weirdest movie I have ever seen. It was about a man who was seeing the supernatural and spirits so weird my gosh. So then luisa of course opened a bag of non-spicy chips! Why couldn't she do that before when I was dying?? Oh well, it all worked out. We watched for awhile, and then luisa's mom picked up luias and haley. Zyanya and I hung out for a few hours, until we left to eat (I can't call it lunch it was 5pm) at Chilli's (yes, the chain there are a billion chain restaraunts here, and they have BLOCKBUSTER it still exists!! I even took a picture but then realized how silly that was). Anyway, after we ate, Luisa's mom took us over to a friend's house (I remember him from zyanya and pamela's party) where we met laurel and pamela. It was super fun, we hung out for awhile the three of us americans, and then went swimming and talked to all the other kids. They give us a bunch of attention, and are all super fun and nice. And the home was beautiful, right near the park where we ran last week, and everyone was having a lot of fun. They enjoy asking us to pronounce words, and like to test our vocabulary. They always expect laurel to speak spanish, and then are surprised when I know the's so weird, since we told them she doesn't speak it and i do! Some kids I can understand perfectly and some I can't understand at all. Also, when they make jokes, I'm completely clueless, so we just try to laugh along and see if they explain it. They could literally be saying anything ahhah. At 10:45 we left, which was super early for us compared to usually, but we had a good time. 

It was kind of nostalgic that the national soccer team finally lost on our last day, but it was a blast watching the games with them. I definately have a permanent place in my heart for the Mexican soccer team, especially Ochoa (the goalie, so cute). I hope they do better next time, but now I can still cheer and hope for the USA to win on tuesday...oh gosh. 

I had many highlights of this adventure, and I will say this trip accomplished everything it was designed to, and for me personally, it accomplished even more. I expected to have fun, share american culture while learning about mexican culture, and build friendships that will last forever. We definately accomplished all of that, but I learned so much more. First of all, people are people. No matter what culture and nationality they associate with, the color of their skin, their sex or age, we all have feelings and expression, and can relate to and communicate with one another. Each person I spoke to was different from every other, and what I've realized is that it is ultimately the individuals who compose a city and a nation, but that no single stereotype or description can capture the spirit of a people. What I have found, in this beautiful culture, is that what matters the most is that we each be the best we can be and enjoy what we have, because there is no best culture or best land, but there are great people in many places...the ones who embrace life and enjoy spreading happiness to others. This program has shipped American teenagers, 23 of my favorite people, all over the world, and by the end of this summer, each of us will have new friends, new stories to tell, and a new realization of what it means to be a citizen of this earth, connecting globally and thriving locally. 

Thanks, again, for reading my blog and hopefully learning/experiencing this great city of hermosillo with me! I am trying to get zyanya to keep a blog, which would be fun for you to read, but it would be en español haha. future ambassadors, if you have questions about yaep or hermosillo, please feel free to contact me ;)

Signing off from mexico for the last time. Adios!!!!

ps I always say I will try to post pics, but I never do, so if I get around to it, maybe I will next week when I'm home. but then again, don't count on it. 

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