Monday, June 23, 2014

field trip!! 2/3

The USA lost today. It was awful (like any loss). I was sitting next to zyanya on a bench at a table in front of a flat-screen tv (which must have been the most technologically-advanced piece of equipment within 50 miles, beside Mario's camera) in a tiny but adorable pueblo 49min away from Hermosillo when Portugal tied the game 2-2 in the last minute. First of all, it is tough already being the only American, since it feels like everyone is watching me to see how I react to this and that, and ontop of it, I think other people in the restaraunt were rooting for Portugal. I mean they pretty expect me to be gung-ho about this soccer match my country is playing in when I don't even know all the rules to a game that's totally out of my control! They don't realize we aren't soccer fanatics like mexicans are. I was kind of glad to have only seen the end, because watching sports stresses me out. And, they kept saying that it was fine that we tied, but if we didn't win, we I guess both teams lost. Pessimistic, but true! 

Here's some background. At 2:45pm, Zyanya's parents, zyanya, family friends, and I left for Urus to grab lunch. The pueblo was adorable, and the drive through the desert looked just like the drive to Tucson (well we are in the same desert right), except there seemed to be a slight difference in the brownness of the bushes from SoAz (if they have SoCal, we can totally have SoAz) that only a phoenician would detect. The drive was a little bumpy at times... note to city officials: if you desperately want to slow down traffic, construct 50 speed bumps in a row each 10 feet apart (it works!!). Plus, it can even make the passengers feel sick!

When we pulled into the little restaraunt, I was glad Macrina had suggested I bring my camera! It was so cute and traditional-looking. We took a few pictures together, and I took some of the restaraunt (but they're on my camera still). I ate a burro with chicken (burrito) which was delishous it also had guacamole and vegetables yay so good! Before my drink came, I tried the salsa, and had to repress my tears as the chilllies stung my throat. We were with two thirteen-year-old girls, and I was already embarassing myself by trying to speak to them in spanish! It was fun, though. Zyanya always asks me for words that are hard to say in english, but it was so hard to think of some! 

After that, we stopped off at a park where a band was playing. There were games and bounce-houses for kids, so we hung out and ate popsicles. It was nice and really fun. I was going to dance with Macrina, but we didn't, which was probably for the better. Then we drove back and watched Clueless, which was cute. Mario asked why we were watching a movie in english since that wasn't exactly giving me a feel of Mexico, but it was pretty realistic since they really do watch movies often with spanish subtitles! 

Later, I read a NYT article on the futbol game that I literally watched and acted like I didn't care about (I need to stop telling myself I don't care) and looved the article itself. It was written by Sam Borden, and I just have to include this cool sentence as a part in remembering my mexico experience (sorry!!). "It was a thunderous strike, the ball whizzing over Dempsey—who wisely ducked—and curling devilishly in a way that even the Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo would have to admire. Jones sprinted to the sideline as the ball nestled into the side netting, pounding the U.S. Soccer crest on his jersey as his teammates erupted."  Ahah such great writing! andd he finished the article with this quotation from one of the usa players, "I think we like to do things the hard way. It's the American way." On the other hand, I feel like the point in my opening the times was to read something meaningful about the world, but I guess the Times is always biased one way or another, so when I agree with the bias (toward the US), it is fine to read about sports. If that made sense. But it does seem wrong that I and so many others pass over the news for FIFA. 

Well, that's it for tonight, and this took so long, because I'm working on only pushing the spacebar with my left hand, since I'm accostumed to using my right thumb. I don't know why I enjoy frustrating myself, but I was surprised how it disoriented my other fingers! i feel like I should proofread, which I never do when I'm tired, so I just hope it all makes sense. Anyway, here I go, into the last week! Goodnight from Mexico!  

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