Well, why stop now—I still have today and anoche to cover! Yesterday, in the afternoon, Macrina, Zyanya, and I walked to the Soriana (mega grocery store outside their community) so I could buy a mexico team shirt (and one for laurel), but they only had men's XLs, so we ditched it and tried two other stores, too, but neither of them had what we were looking for, so we bailed and went home. Zyanya fell asleep in the car, so I felt bad that she had to come! Also, at the third store we tried, we parked right across from a yogurt place called Joy Cherry and I really wanted to go because it was so hot out, but I obviously wasn't going to ask that would be so rude ahh. Afterward, we went back to the house and hung out until 8:40 when luisa's friend came with luisa and haley to take us to Cristina's surprise going-away party. The party was really fun, and I love cristina, so I will miss her. Her mom is the german one I was talking to at the prom, and cristina is moving to germany where her mom's family is for a year (I may have already said that oops), which is going to be such an awesome experience!
i spent most of the night hanging out with haley, since neither of us recognized many people that we knew, but it was a small gathering, and no one was really dancing (which was fortunate for us!). They played mostly american music (miley cyrus and bieber and other pop), which is comforting, but funny that we're the only ones who know the lyrics to some of the songs! We ate nachos and pizza (well I didn't eat pizza since it was pepperoni), but I wasn't very hungry anyway. We left at 12:30 to make sure we wouldn't be too tired for a run to raise awareness for something—I think drug abuse?—but we didn't go becaue it was so early this morning, and it's our last day.
This morning, we have just watched soccer. Mexico should have won, but unfortunately it was a loss, and we all ate breakfast at 11am and now are just moping around and hanging out. We don't have any plans for today (OUR LAST ONE), so haley has been hinting around that we should see a movie or go somewhere, but zyanya is sleeping on the couch and luisa is watching vines, so maybe later? I hope! Okayyyy well, here are some general thoughts about the trip for fun, and I will compose my last post tonight.
Also, I wanted to mention the fact that when we pull up to a stoplight, homeless (maybe just very poor) people and children are performing tricks lick juggling, or just selling food to make money. It's crazy, I've never seen that before! Zyanya always gives them coins, and when Luisa's mom was walking past two homeless men after the factory, she gave them each a pastry, which is so kind. Some people are ignorant, but not our host families.
Some Mexican things I'm going to miss:
-speaking spanish and spanglish (zyanya and i have mastered spanglish), all of their adorable and amazing friends, Rhon (the dog), Macrina's awesome food, running in the beautiful park across from Regis Prep, family fútbol games (even though mexico just lost WAAAAH), the kiss on the cheek (people here actually acknowledge each other with more than an awkward wave or handshake), getting away with being a clueless foreigner, getting in the car and having no idea where we're going (not that I have anything against surprises), and no scorpions (somehow they don't have them here but there are tons of cockroaches idk).
Some things I'm looking forward to in the usa:
-hot showers (and water pressure), american dessert (brownies specifically), speaking english (love spanish, but yeah, I miss it), cold soda and drinks, air conditioning (surprisingly, I miss the cold front that overcomes me when I step indoors in the summer in the us), eating three meals a day (no more morning feast and lunch at 4 haha), data roaming, being reunited with delilah, and food without spice (yes!)
bye for now! ciao!
zyanya and sahroma were just a bit disappointed at the end of the game :(

mario sent me this of rhon haha
Awesome job on your blog Rae!! I looked forward to reading it every day:)