I can't remember the last post I did...I guess I should check on that so I don't skip or repeat! Ok so after lunch yesterday, at about 5, we met the crew at the art museum of sonora to see the art and so Edith (luisa's mom) could photograph Luisa and Haley since she's a professional photographer. I'm not sure which was the main reason;).
The museum was not at all what we had expected. First of all, it was HOTHOTHOT in there...I thought museums were supposed to be cold!! And, the art was very modern, mostly sculptures and some sound effects with videos. Macrina and I for sure didn't appreciate the art, I mean I may be missing something, but a pile of sand on a table with more sand in piles on the ground just doesn't do it for me like a great painting does. At one point, Zyanya and I walked into a room that looked like it may have been under construction, but then again, the broom and trash on the ground may have been art work I guess I will never know. It was nice of them to take us, though, and I hope they took some cool photos! As we were all heading into the last exhibit, I was walking at the back of the group with Luisa's sister. Right before we passed through the door, the old woman working there shut the door in front of the two of us (without bothering to say anything)! So I said, in spanish, excuse me may we please go in? And she said no, since they were closing in 10 minutes. It was so weird...we were all in a group and she cut off two of us ! It was kind of funny when the woman was standing there outside the door with us while everyone else walked around. Finally, she left (clocked in, I guess) and another employee let us in, which was nice haha.
Then, we stopped off at a shop for tea. It was good tea, but there was stuff floating in it, so we weren't exactly sure why and just drank it. I guess some tea is made that way? We were all a bit tired, and it was already 8:40pm when we headed back. We were going to swim in Luisa's pool, but we were tired and decided not to.
Macrina took me to the park again today! I had a great workout, and it was nice and peaceful, since the parents who drop off their children at school across the street are no longer there at that time. I ran for 30min and started to stretch in the middle as I waited for Macrina, and on our way back, she said we only worked out for 30min, which surprised me, because I thought she was trying to get back to make Mario's breakfast. Maybe I'll run for longer next time now that I know! I'm glad we got to go, though.
As usual, I shower and wait a few hours until Zyanya wakes up around 10:30, and we go eat breakfast. Today we had our fruit and yogurt with pizza. I was SO hungry, because last night I only had a piece of bread for dinner, so I pretty much hadn't eaten since 5pm until breakfast :(. We watched a really cute movie last night in spanish! I surprisingly understood most of it...movies definately help me learn the language.
During breakfast, Macrina was looking at her phone to find out the plan for today (the activities that were planned for most of the trip were canceled or pushed back), and she recieved a message that we would be meeting the mayor at 12!!! So, we changed and I wrote a card in spanish to accompany the gift (suns signed Dragic jersery). SpanishDict is a loyal friend of mine, but I thankfully didn't need to rely on it very much, since my spanish has improved. I hope he likes the card it was pretty nice;). Anyway, we were in the car running super late, but by the time we got there it turned out to be fine. We met up with anna elena, who is very sweet, and showed us around a bit and explained the situation and what would happen. we took a bunch of pictures (ahahh im so un photogenic!!) with and without the mayor. He was super nice, but I think he was sad, because someone from his department had died yesterday and the mayor had just met with his son :(. He was a VERY nice and genuine guy, and anna lena translated his words to english as best she could for haley and laurel, since they don't know spanish. i'm so so glad I do, though, because it was and has been a huge help here (and lots of fun) to be able to speak and understand conversations...and understand the mayor directly. We saw the statue that the phoenix committee gave to hermosillo as a sister city gift, and it was pretty, so we took a pic next to it! I had a chance to wear my new, favorite white shoes, so that made up for the fact that we were all sweating in the heat. It was a reallly fun and cool time. the mayor complimented my spanish! I guess all those spanish sessions have been worth it, finally! Yay! He did speak some english, but wasn't very confident and was limited, so he stuck to spanish, which was probably a good idea, especially since the only english-only people were laurel and haley (there were other employees in the room who probs didn't speak english).
After, we walked around another government building for about 30minutes, taking pictures and exploring. it was GORGEOUS! the building was white and ancient from the outside, and had outstanding murals that related to Sonora on the exterior walls and ceilings of the courtyard, done by a famous artist who has passed away. We explored the room where the mayor's large meetings are, which was adorned with detailed decorations and portraits lined the walls with the faces of previous mayors (I believe). We also walked onto the balcony that the mayor waves to the people from (I'm guessing, I mean what else would he do up there!). That was it, and it was a nice time!
Now, we are back at the house. Zyanya is sweeping the floor, and macrina and sarhoma are cooking. Maybe they will let me help, but I think I would get in the way and mess up the food haha we'll see:). Tonight we will head back to the plaza at 6pm to ride the trolley.
Fun stuff! Stay cool!
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